Friday, October 21, 2011

The joys of parenthood

So I had great intentions of posting a bunch this week... Then our son got sick Monday morning and that took all my time. Then tonight our daughter came down with a nasty fever. Luckily she's not puking like her brother, but she's still miserable. I'm sitting out here with her and I really do feel bad. I'm still eating well so there should be a decent loss this week despite my lack of exercise!!

Sorry for hiding but I'll be back soon!!


Jen said...

Hope your kids are feeling better soon!

Briana said...

I hope everyone is feeling better soon!

Hyla said...

Ugh I know what you mean, this week has been hell for us too. I hope your daughter feels better soon!

Fit Kitty said...

Sorry to hear about your kids - hope they are feeling better soon. Well done on your eating.