Saturday, October 15, 2011

The good, the broken and the happy...

This week I have actually enjoyed eating healthy and watching my calorie intake more closely.

You all wouldn't know this, but I got my elliptical off Craig's List about 2 years ago because we finally had room for exercise equipment in our garage... And this morning while exercising it started making a weird sound and began catching in the back where the magnet and rotator is. My husband then came out and messed with it and apparently that was the last straw because it made a final sound and then both sides lost their traction. My elliptical has officially died and will be buried at the first dump site we can find. This creates a problem... How will I exercise at home?? I am going to have to resort to those fitness videos I love so much... Oh well, we do what we have to do, right??

HAPPY 6TH ANNIVERSARY to my husband and I!!! Today we celebrate 6 years of wedded bliss... In the past 6 years we have added to our family 3 gorgeous kiddos, a minivan and a house. I don't think it gets much better than that!!!
This was on our Honeymoon in Hawaii...I would KILL to fit into that shirt and those amazingly comfy pants again, and to look that good wearing them!!
And these jeans...I loved those jeans...just 30 more pounds and I'll be back in them...I'm already half way there!!! If I can lose 30 pounds, what's another 30, right??

And the wedding dress...I felt so awesome in this dress!! I looked thin and pretty and just amazing as far as I was concerned!! I still have the's been all cleaned and specially boxed so I don't think I'll be sneaking it out to try it on again, but I would love to be back to feeling as good as I did on my wedding day!!

These are the pictures that are my inspiration for the weight loss...this is where I want to get back to. This was 30 pounds over my lowest weight ever when I was sicker than sick, so it is entirely possible!! I may not have been super thin, but I was comfortable and I felt good about how I looked and how clothes fit. Now, I wouldn't MIND being thinner, but I think it's a realistic goal right now...and I'm only about 30 pounds away!!


Briana said...

Happy Anniversary! I know you'll get back to where you want to be!

Ang Campbell said...

Happy anniversary! Sorry about the eliptical :P Is walking/running outdoors a cardio option to mix in with your fitness vids? LOVE your inspiration pics! (We were at the PCC on Monday! I'd recognize those welcome-to-the-PCC pose pictures any day heheh)