Anyone who has seen me with a newborn knows that one of my favorite items to ALWAYS have on hand are cloth diaper burp cloths. Up until now, we've just bought the tri-fold ones from Target (Gerber brand) and use those for burp cloths. We're all about function over fashion here at our place!! Well, with this baby my sewing skills have come up a notch or two, and I definitely feel comfortable trying new things....and this was something I had wanted to do when we had Freddie but just couldn't make it work - my skills just weren't there yet apparently (or I just didn't care enough, not sure which it was). Regardless, we have about 50 of these cloth diaper burp cloths left over from previous babies (before you go "ewww...gross" our kids aren't spitter-uppers, so the burp cloths stay pretty good looking, and we chuck the ones that look stained after each kid) and I decided to make good use of the extra fabric I had from the car seat I finished yesterday.
Karyl would call it recycling the extra fabric...I like that since it sounds homey and like I thought it through....
So, this afternoon since I was out of work yet again I decided to give it a try and see what I could come up with. The results are below....keep in mind, these were done on a whim, with no patterns, or pinning or real planning as to what I was doing. I just decided to run with the idea and see where it took me.
I really think that given time to prepare and adequately plan this out, these could be REALLY cute!!! One thing I would change though was since Freddie was napping I couldn't get to the ironing board (well, let's face it, I didn't want to deal with pressing the edges) so I just stitched them down on all four sides before using a zig-zag to stitch them to the cloth diapers. It looks a little redundant with 2 rows of, for the next batch I think I'll suck it up and get the ironing board out and press the edges down so I don't have to do the extra stitching first and can just zig-zag the fabric on.
What do you think?? I have a lot more of the brown with green circles on it left, but I'm not sure whether I like the stripe down the middle, or the strip along the bottom better?? My concern is that the cotton fabric being along the middle won't absorb as well as the plain cloth diapers do...therefore negating the reason for their existence in our diaper bag in the first place. I like the stripe, but should I have it on the top and bottom, or is it OK just on the bottom??
Let me know in the comments....
1 comment:
i think they look cute both ways!!!
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