For those of you out there who crochet, I would like to encourage you to check out the Bernat blog (link below) for their Crochet Along which begins September 22.
Each week they will have a new pattern for a square of the afghan for you to sew...and no one will know what it looks like until they're done and put it together!
I am excited to give it a try, especially since I have a TON of JoAnn's coupons for this coming week that I can take in there and get lots of cheap yarn!!
There is also a contest for those who finish the afghan and send in their pictures (you don't have to use Bernat yarn). I am probably going to use a different yarn simply because of the price, but the Bernat Soft Chunky they are using is super great, easy to work with and they have LOTS of color choices if you don't want to use the colors they are using.
For any interested, here are the amounts you will need and the colors they are using...
Yarn A - Natural (Cream) - 21 oz.
Yarn B - Forest (Dk. Green) - 7 oz.
Yarn C - Topaz (Brown) - 7 oz.
Yarn D - Lavender (Purple) - 7 oz.
Yarn E - Fern (Lt. Green) - 24.5 oz.
Now, if you are going to go out on your own and change the colors....keep in mind the color scheme they have and how much they are using (Yarn A and E are used three times as much as the other colors). And note that they have a lighter and darker green (the light being the most used) so try to pick at least one color that has a light and dark.
I would love to hear if any of you are going to give this a whirl!! I figure it might be fun, and it spans over 12 weeks, so there is plenty of time. And, if you don't care about the contest, you can just print out the patterns each week and finish it in your own time!
Happy Crafting!!
Make sure to take a look at the previous post for information on my new adventures in quilting!!
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