Saturday, August 29, 2009

So sorry....

No, I have not abandoned the newly created husband and I have been sick since Monday and this morning was the first morning I actually woke up feeling somewhat rested and half way decent...then our daughter came home tonight with a fever. She seems to be in good spirits though, so hopefully she'll pull through just fine.

My point, I have just been too busy and/or sick to post, but I did finish another Debbie Macomber was OK but nothing compared to Wyoming Brides. So far that book is #1 on my recommendation list!! I started reading another one from the library yesterday but the "love scenes" in it were a little much for me, so it has been returned after reading only the first 30 pages or so and I am starting a new one. Hopefully the new one isn't as, well, graphic as the last one I tried to read!!

I'll be back soon!! There may be life after diapers, but when you're sick, there's not much life after that!!

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