This is a blog about my adventures trying to discover a "Life After Diapers." To prove to myself (and hopefully other women) that we can have a fulfilling life while raising and nurturing our children and husbands.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Recipe requests
Peppermint Meltaways
Chocolate Drizzled Cherry Bars - For this one, the actual recipe is no longer on their website (go figure) and I can't find my recipe book right now so this is a link to a forum where someone put the recipe up. It looks like the right one but I haven't verified that all the measurements are correct. I will type up the actual recipe when I find the book =)
By the way, when I have time later today I have a step by step tutorial for the yummy meatloaf I made last night (the recipe is from my ever talented mother-in-law....we call her Grandma B online and I like to believe the B stands for Betty Crocker!!)
Monday, December 28, 2009
Many new adventures
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Christmas Baking Bonanza

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
My first pillowcase
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Oh Betty....
Do you smell what I smell??
Trust me, you WISH you could lean in and sniff this post....
Last night my in-laws made cranberry sauce, which requires LOTS of lemon and orange zest.
And where there's zest, there are many, many naked pieces of fruit left behind. Besides smelling AWESOME, they are super handy for getting some prime fruit juice...and that's what I did this morning.
I did me some juicin'!!!
Thanks Grandma B for giving me some of the leftover fruit...I can't wait to make some fresh lemonade!!!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Paula will NEVER fail me!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Double-Layer Pumpkin Cheesecake
So, this is my contribution to Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night with our families....but, since I'm about the only one who likes Pumpkin Pie I decided to try a hybrid of yummy desserts in the hopes that I can get a few more people to try pumpkin for dessert!!
I grew up always having my mom's pumpkin pie for dessert every Thanksgiving and was always the same pie and I LOVED it. Funny enough, looking back I think it's just the recipe off the back of the Libby's pumpkin can, but it was good nonetheless and to me, it's just not Thanksgiving without Pumpkin Pie.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
An unexpected treat...
So I've been stalking the TCM website looking for Romance/Comedies to DVR lately so I have something decent to watch while the kids are napping and I'm folding laundry or knitting or just relaxing and I recorded this movie a few days ago and got around to watching it this afternoon...
I know a lot of songs from musicals, but I had no idea that this movie had such great music, AND that it is where the song about the "Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe" came from, so that was a nice surprise. It was a super cute movie and it was nice to see a movie where the "good girls" win!!
The last week I have been watching lots of "classic" movies and I have to say that I am truly enjoying them more than most of the modern movies. It is so nice to watch a movie and not have to worry about Karyl seeing or hearing something she shouldn't (not that we watch bad movies anyways, but you get the idea) and that has a real storyline.
So thank you TCM and all of the great actors and actresses from the early 1900's for making such great, wholesome movies...If only we could get Hollywood back to those days.
Oh, and I will be posting the recipe for those peanut butter cream cheese bars soon....thank you Lisa for asking Greg about the recipe!!! Maybe I will send him with some to work one morning...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Oreo Truffles

Oh peanut buttery goodness

They had a few steps, but turned out well worth it in the end!! These are super yummy...but lesson learned, I am making them in the 9x13 that the recipe called for next time. I didn't think there would be enough to cover the 9x13 so I changed to the 8x8...and while they are still just as good, they would have totally worked in the 9x13, AND they would have been thinner which would have been yummy.
Basically these are a peanut butter cookie base with chocolate spread and hardened, then a layer of the following:
Oh well...

Until later tonight!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Back on Track
Those poor Oreos had no idea what was coming....
You have to love a chance to put the yumminess of Oreos with the naughtiness of butter!! Any recipe with 2 block of Cream Cheese in it is given a chance in this house!!
The filling in all it's creamy glory!!
And the finished product...I added the Oreos on top myself, looks pretty, doesn't it??
Who knew there was a culinary artist in me waiting to get out??
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Christmas Basket

Reading it reminded me of a movie (I think it was on Lifetime) with two families that had grown up on Catalina Island and the kids had moved away and over time the mothers had gotten into a fight and were always trying to one up each other, well the kids fall in love but then have to deal with their mothers who can't seem to get along not matter what....and it turns out the fathers have stayed friends all along!!
Anyways...this book was a gem really. The mothers have been fighting for years over a stolen antique tea set and things just escalated from there...the two kids had been high school sweethearts and were planning on eloping one night but each thought they had been stood up, turns out the note has been slightly tampered with thanks to a spilled can of soda and for 10 years they went on and lived their lives, always thinking the other one had walked away. The daughter comes back for Christmas and while she hopes she doesn't run into Thom he ends up being on her commuter flight....and in the movie theater where she and her sister are throwing popcorn...and at the restaurant....eventually they figure out what happened, but have to work through their mothers hating each other.
The Mothers end up having to work together to make Christmas Baskets for the Salvation Army (Sarah, Noelle's mom has to do it for the service hours required to use the club for her daughter Kristen's wedding) and her and Mary just can't seem to work together...they even get thrown out of the local Value-X (which, if you read Buffalo Valley will sound awful familiar!!) while shopping for things on the list.
Anways, long story short, mothers make up while stuck in a ditch during an ice storm and the husbands find them drunk off some Scotch that one of the husbands had left in his Golf bag and they all make it home to have Noelle and Thom come in with some exciting news. Of course, Noelle and Thom have no idea the families have made up and when they see both sets of cars outside Noelle's home they panic but figure they can kill 2 birds with 1 stone and tell both families the news at the same time, only to walk in and discover that all their worry was for nothing.
A very cute story =)
92 Pacific Boulevard

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A few books I've enjoyed...
I have read 3 great books by Debbie Macomber in the past little while and here is what I thought....

The first was Moon Over Water. It is about a woman who was raised to believe that her father had died when she was younger and had just always lived her life "knowing" that. Well, when her mother dies she discovers some old letters of hers that lead her to discover that her father is not only still alive, but that he has been in contact with her mother up until a few years ago.
Armed with this new information she can't think of anything else but finding this father and uncovering why her mother would have lied to her over all those years. She makes a trip to Mexico (against her fiance's wishes) to find him only to be caught up in more trouble than she has ever seen. Between being framed for stealing a priceless artifact from an architectural dig, being chased by a feared drug-lord, and being forced to escape on a boat with a trusted friend of her fathers she ends up finding love (apparently some time out at sea with even the most unappealing options can soften hearts) and discovers what she really wants in life. This is a good read, with some good suspense, at least more so than most of her books.

Next was Back on Blossom Street. This book is about a woman who owns a yarn store and about all her "neighbors" on Blossom Street. The story involves romance and lots of other twists and turns, all revolving around the students that are in the leads knitting classes. There are surprise pregnancies, marriages almost lost and many friendships strengthened. This book remind me a lot of a book I read a while back called "The Friday Night Knitting Club." I had to wonder if one of these authors read the other one's book before writing their own because they both have very similar scenes with cancer and pregnancies and romance. It's an easy read though and it goes easy on the detailed romance scenes, this is a good read for you if you want to smile and be reminded that good things do happen in this world.

This book is super cute and is an easy read.
OK, I think that is all of them...I am going to start a few more while I am off work and recovering and I will get back to you when I have another one. I am also going to try a few sewing projects while I'm off and we'll see what happens with that!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
So sorry....
My point, I have just been too busy and/or sick to post, but I did finish another Debbie Macomber was OK but nothing compared to Wyoming Brides. So far that book is #1 on my recommendation list!! I started reading another one from the library yesterday but the "love scenes" in it were a little much for me, so it has been returned after reading only the first 30 pages or so and I am starting a new one. Hopefully the new one isn't as, well, graphic as the last one I tried to read!!
I'll be back soon!! There may be life after diapers, but when you're sick, there's not much life after that!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009